My dream: visit Iran

I want to visit many places, in fact i literally want to visit almost every country on Earth. Although, a country that always has captivated me is Iran, a country with a bad reputation but it's nothing like you think. What attracts me there is the landscapes, but also the food, the culture, the people, the languages and of course the history. Aside from its incredibly rich history, making it one of the most important parts of the entire world, its a modern gem hidden in the reputation it has. The history and culture there is so unique with some of the earliest and greatest civilization starting there with the Persian Empire and Zoroastrianism religion being on dislplayed in places like Yazd. Iran, or Persia as it was long known for, was cradle to some of the most glorius empires and civilizations; and many significant events that shaped the world history happened there. I would love to live there for a while, but one problem i'd encounter would be a moral dilema, since, as a...