Post 4: My ideal job

 An ideal job not just for me but anyone would be exactly when you would wake up in the morning with a smile, waiting to go to work , enjoy being in your work place and sharing time with your colleagues and you would not get to know how time flies. Thus in simple words, an ideal job would be when you would have worked five days a week and you don't feel like you worked a single day.

As a public administrator, i would like to join to the government service and work in  proyect managements, throughout the different areas of the administrative process, such as planning, organizing, directing, controling and even evalluating. I would love to work in organizations with meaningful missions as eradicating discrimination and poverty. Besides, i would love to be able to contribuite to the growing of the organization, and contribuite to creat a culture where people like to work. I would like to manage people and their abilities, recruiting pomesing candidates and developing people talents. In conclusión, if I can contribute even a little to make the things better I would be proud of myself and feel that I have achieved what I want.


  1. Hello Fabian!
    How nice what you say, about a job that makes you smile and feel at ease. Many times we care more about money than our happiness, but this is very important in the end, feel comfortable and happy!

  2. I also want to develop in this area of people development. The truth is very motivating to help people so that an institution can function in the best way!


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